Sunday, March 7, 2010

Would you like room for germs?

Scenario: You walk in to a coffee shop to get your morning cuppa joe. You get to the registers and the girl behind the counter is , pale, sniffling, sneezing and coughing. Yum. Do you really want this germ carrier to serve you coffee?
Complain!! There are very few times I think it is necessary for customers to complain to management or to the Health Department but this is one of them. Those of us behind the counter have no say in this person being present. When someone is forced by management to come to work ill they are condemning the rest of us to sickness as well. Trust me we are not ok with this.
Do your consumerly duty to the rest of us and complain. You bitch and moan when your latte isn't 143 degrees, this is something that actually matters. Bitch about it. Believe it or not consumers have the power in this position, if you see something going on that isn't right tell a manager that you are not ok with sick people serving you coffee. They HAVE to do something about it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Americans are fat asses. Most Americans are aware of the epidemic and don't really give a shit because bonbons are so tasty. What most Americans don't know is that I contribute to the growing waistline of this country.
When someone walks into my store with man-eating cankles and the spandex leggings that valiantly attempt to hold everything ON the body of the clinically obese person, I feel guilty. Never does one of them order just plain water like they should, it is always breve lattes with 12 pumps of white mocha, extra caramel and whipped cream. I have to serve them just like I would a skinny person getting tea. I feel like an enabler giving them the means to kill themselves. One of these days there will be a lawsuit about some obese person dying from a heart attack and the family will try to bring charges against McDonalds or Starbucks for serving the deceased beyond capacity. Assisted suicide. Because the only thing Americans love more than fatty foods is a good lawsuit.